
64 | HP Jornada 600 Series Users Guide
3. In the Open Presentation dialog box, select the presentation you
want to show, and then tap OK.
4. To change the presentation display and slide-advance options, on
the Tools menu, tap Set Up Show.
5. To show the presentation, tap View Show on the View menu. If you
chose Manual under Presentation Display in step 4, use the
Previous and Next buttons to control the slides.
You can tailor a presentation by adding a new title slide to your presentation. To do so,
tap Title Slide on the Tools menu.
To show a slide presentation on a VGA-compatible monitor
1. Insert an HP VGA out card into your HP Jornada, and then connect
the card to a monitor or projector according to the instructions that
came with the card.
2. Start PowerPoint, and open the presentation (see To show a presen-
tation earlier in this chapter).
3. On the Tools menu, tap Set Up Show.
4. From the View Show On list, select one of the VGA out options.
5. To start the show, tap View Show on the View menu.
You can make the display fade to black during a presentation. To do so, press
. To
make the screen fade to white, press
. Press
again to resume the
Using Microsoft Pocket Excel
You can use Pocket Excel to create workbooks, such as expense reports and
mileage logs. Pocket Excel provides fundamental spreadsheet tools, such as
formulas, functions, sorting, and filtering. You can split panes to easily view
different areas of a large worksheet. You can also “freeze” the top and
leftmost panes in a worksheet to keep row and column labels or other data
visible as you scroll through a sheet.
Pocket Excel allows you to save workbooks in several file formats so that your
files can be opened by other users or other programs. If you transfer work-
books between your HP Jornada and desktop PC, Windows CE Services
automatically converts the files to the appropriate file type. If you send files