Chapter 4 | Staying organized | 57
Quickly jot notes and reminders or new contact information on the notepad.
Then, save your notes in quick pad or send them to the appropriate database,
such as your Contacts or Tasks list.
To start HP quick pad
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to HP Applications,
and tap HP quick pad.
Press the HP quick pad hot key.
To save information in HP quick pad
1. On the File menu, tap New Page to create a blank notepad page.
2. Tap once in the notepad area, and then type the information you
want to save.
3. On the File menu, tap Rename Page, and then type a descriptive
name for the information.
4. On the File menu, tap Save.
You can create as many pages as you like. Retrieve information by selecting
the page title from the drop-down list, or by tapping Find in Page on the Edit
menu, and then typing a word or words to search for.
To organize information for use in other programs
1. In HP quick pad, open the page containing the information, and
select the text you want to export.
2. On the Send menu, select the program in which you want to use the
• Tap As E-mail Message to create an e-mail message
containing the selected text.
• Tap To Calendar, To Contacts, or To Tasks to create an
entry in one of the Pocket Outlook databases.
• Tap As New Pocket Word Document to create a Pocket
Word document containing the selected text.
3. In the dialog box that appears, add any necessary information (for
example, the start or end date of a task or appointment, or addressees
for an e-mail message), and then tap OK.