
Chapter 6 | Accessing e-mail and the Web | 93
Using your connections
After you have set up for the connection that best meets your needs, you
are ready to use that connection for sending and receiving e-mail, browsing
the Web, or receiving your CompuServe mail.
Using Inbox
You can use the Inbox program to send and receive e-mail over the Internet
with your HP Jornada. You can also exchange e-mail over your company’s
intranet, either by remote dial-up (using your modem) or by direct connection
(with an NIC). Using Windows CE Services, you can synchronize information
in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Schedule+, or Microsoft Exchange on your
desktop computer with your HP Jornada. Each time you synchronize,
Windows CE Services compares the changes you made on your HP Jornada
and desktop PC and updates both computers, including changes to the
messages in your Inbox. For more information, see chapter 3, Connecting to
your desktop or refer to online Help.
HP dialup automatically sets up an Inbox service for you. However, you can also set up
Inbox services from within the Inbox program.
To set up e-mail service (Internet Mail)
1. Get the following information from your ISP or network administrator:
POP3 or IMAP4 server name, SMTP host name, user name, pass-
word, and domain name (for network connections only).
2. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Pocket Outlook,
and then tap Inbox.
3. In Inbox, on the Services menu, tap Options.
4. On the Services tab, tap Add.
5. Choose IMAP4 Mail or POP3 Mail, enter a name for the connection,
and then tap OK.
6. In the Mail Service Definition dialog box, enter the information from
step 1. Select the remote connection you want to use from the
Connection list, and then tap Next. (If you are receiving e-mail
through a network connection, tap Network Connection.)