Using the High-Capacity Input/Output Facility
Attention: Never place Exported Stacked Volumes into the High Capacity
Input/Output Facility, as this will cause the data on them to be overwritten.
The defined facility will be scanned on the first transition to Automatic mode even if
Inventory Update is disabled or on any transition to Automatic mode if the door
associated with the frame containing the facility has been opened. The scan is done
in the above cases regardless of the state of Inventory Update (enabled/disabled).
Following the scan of the facility, all library activity is restored (mounts, demounts,
conv. I/O). VOLSERS to be inserted are added to the database and the host is
notified. Once the category has changed, the VOLSERS may be mounted directly
from the high capacity area.
New VOLSERs found in the facility are inserted and those already existing in the
facility are left ejected. VOLSERs are inserted from the facility in a top to bottom
and right to left sequence (E 01 to A xx). VOLSERs are ejected to the facility in a
top to bottom and left to right sequence (A 01 to E xx). The physical movement of
the cartridge is scheduled with regular library activity. The operator may change the
priority on a particular insert so movement will be completed faster.
Configuring the High-Capacity I/O is done during a teach operation under the Teach
pull-down in Service mode.
Note: There should be enough free cells in the library to hold the cartridges that
must be moved when High-Capacity I/O is configured. When the facility is
moved to a new location, both the old location rack and the new location
rack are scanned.
Removing Ejected Cartridges
You may remove ejected cartridges from the library in the following ways:
v By removing an ejected cartridge from the single-cell output facility
v By removing an ejected cartridge from the High-Capacity Output facility or
High-Capacity Input/Output facility
v By removing an ejected cartridge from the Convenience Input⁄Output Station
1. The type of input⁄output facility available to the operator was defined during
installation of the library.
2. Avoid manually removing cartridges from library cells. Have the host eject them
to an input/output facility.
Removing an Ejected Cartridge from the Single-Cell Output Facility
1. Press the Pause button on the operator panel.
2. Observe the Pause mode LED on the operator panel. The LED flashes until the
library is in Pause mode and then stays lit.
3. Unlock and open the control unit frame front door and retrieve the ejected
cartridge from the single-cell output facility at location 2 A 1 (or location 2 A 3 if
the optional Dual Gripper feature is installed).
4. Shut and lock the control unit frame door.
Chapter 5. Basic Operating Procedures 81