Search Criteria
The following are selections that can be included in the search criteria:
Volser Enter the volser used in the search. The volser consists of one to six
alphanumeric characters that match the cartridge label. You can include a
wildcard (pattern-matching) character, where ? or _ indicates one character
and * or % indicates multiple characters.
Enter the category used in the search. A category is a logical grouping of
cartridges for a specific use. The categories are 0000 to FFFF, must contain
4 hexadecimal characters, and cannot contain wildcard characters. The
following are predefined categories:
FF00 Insert
FF01 VTS Insert
FF03 VTS Scratch
FF04 VTS Private
FF05 VTS Disaster Recovery
FF06 VTS Disaster Recovery
FF10 Convenience eject
FF11 Bulk eject
FF12 Export-Pending Category
FF13 Exported Category
FF14 Import Category
Figure 83. Search Database for Volumes Pop-Up Window
140 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide