13 Action Bar
The action bar is the primary window containing keywords that, when
selected, cause a pull-down window to be displayed.
Click on the desired action to highlight the item. If a line item is dimmed,
the item is not available for selection.
Making Library Manager Selections
You can make selections from the action bar of the Operator menu, with choices
from the pull-down menus, or by active radio buttons, check boxes, and
push-buttons. Although you can use either the keyboard or the pointing device to
make your choices, the pointing device is the preferred method for ease of use.
Selections with the Keyboard
You can use the keyboard to make selections instead of using the pointing device.
1. Activate the Operator (or main) menu action bar by pressing Ctrl+F10.
2. Highlight the item by using one of the following methods:
v Use the cursor arrow keys to highlight the desired item.
v Key in the underlined letter of the desired item, which is usually the first letter
in the item.
3. Press the Enter key.
The panel for the selected item is then displayed.
4. Return to the Operator menu action bar by pressing the Esc key.
5. Press the Esc key a second time to deactivate the Operator menu action bar.
Figure 38 on page 93 shows the commonly used keys.
Note: Some actions prompt for confirmation before actual selection occurs.
Confirmation is typically done by pressing the Enter key or selecting an OK
or a Yes push button.
Selections with the Pointing Device
There are two types of keyboard available. One has a trackball pointing device, as
shown in Figure 38 on page 93. The other has a red button (trackpoint) in the
middle of the keyboard as shown in Figure 39 on page 94.
The pointing devices are used to select items on the display, and actions are taken
by using the accompanying buttons.
To select items by using the trackball pointing device, do the following:
1. Rotate the ball 5 to position the pointer on the object.
2. Press and quickly release button 1. This action selects an object and is
referred to as clicking on an object.
3. Press and quickly release button 1 twice to initiate the selected item. This
action is referred to as double-clicking on an object.
To select and move an object on the screen, do the following:
1. Rotate the ball 5 to position the pointer on the object.
92 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide