The priority group in which the operation was placed.
The name of the request.
Volser The volser associated with the operation. The field is blank if no volser is
identified. The clean queue entry does not require a volser field.
The device identifier associated with the operation. The field is blank if no
device is identified. The eject, insert, and audit queues do not require a
device field.
The current status of the operation:
The operation is waiting for action.
In Progress
The operation is currently being executed.
The operation is waiting for another operation to complete
execution before the blocked operation can start. No operator
action is needed.
Use the Whole Queue window to determine why a library operation is not
completing an operation as expected.
Each queue window has the following pull-down menus available from its action
Refreshes or updates the contents of the window immediately instead of
Help Displays a help panel with information about the queue windows.
Each window can be closed by selecting Close on the system menu icon in the
upper-left corner of the window.
Figure 81. Mount Queue
138 Magstar 3494 Tape Library Operator Guide