2. On the Insert Cartridges screen (see Figure 144), enter the volser of the
cartridge to be inserted. The cartridge volser is the set of up to six alphanumeric
characters on the label attached to the end of the cartridge.
Note: Use the left and right arrow key to move the cursor within a field. Use the
Tab key to move between fields.
3. Type the character (I,E or J) that corresponds to the cartridge type.
v Cartridge System Tape (single-tone case) is type 1.
v Enhanced Capacity Cartridge System Tape (two-tone case) is type E.
v High Performance Cartridge Tape (black with blue tabs) is type J.
4. Type the character (0, 1, or 2) that corresponds to the library to associate the
cartridge with. The selections are:
v 0. Non-VTS Library
v 1. VTS 1
v 2. VTS 2
The associated library sequence number is displayed next to each selection.
Note: Only J type media can be inserted into a Virtual Tape Server logical
The function keys for the pop-up window are:
F1 Display the help information for this screen.
F3 Hides this pop-up window (Manual Mode Terminal). The Manual Mode
Terminal pop-up window is hidden but can be retrieved by selecting the
Mode pull-down and then selecting Manual mode.
F12 Close this screen and return to the Action List screen.
Move the cursor by pressing the right or left arrow key.
Enter Confirm entries in a field or confirm the insertion of a cartridge.
Insert Cartridges
Complete the cartridge information, then press the Enter key.
Volser of Cartridge. . . WCC001
Cartridge type ..... _1.Cartridge System Tape
E. Enhanced Capacity Cartridge System Tape
J. High Performance Cartridge Tape
Library ........ _0.Non-VTS Library - xxxxx
1. VTS 1 - xxxxx
2. VTS 2 - xxxxx
F1=Help F3=HideScreen F12=Cancel
Figure 144. Manual Mode Insert Cartridges Screen
Chapter 6. Advanced Operating Procedures 233