Table 6. Parameters Passed to the User Exit After the AFPDS Spooled File has been
INFILE Name of the Input spooled file
INNBR File number of the input spooled file
INTYPE Input type of spooled file (*SCS, *IPDS, *AFPDS, etc.)
JOBUSR Input creating job&csq;s user
JOBNAM Input creating job&csq;s name
JOBNBR Input creating job&csq;s number
INOQNM Input-output queue name
INOQLB Input-output queue library
INUSDT Input user data string
INFORM Input form type
INOBIN Input outbin
INPGNM Input creating program name
INPGLB Input creating program library
PRTDEF Name of the print definition that will be applied
PRTDLB Library of the print definition that will be applied
SUCFLG *YES or *NO depending on success or failure
OTFILE Name of the AFPDS output spooled file created
OTOQNM Out-queue name of the created AFPDS output spooled file
OTOQLB Library name of the created AFPDS output spooled file
OTHOLD *YES or *NO depending on the Hold flag of the created AFPDS
output spooled file
OTSAVE *YES or *NO depending on the Save flag of the created AFPDS
output spooled file
OTUSDT User data string of the created AFPDS output spooled file
OTFORM Form type of the created AFPDS output spooled file
OTOBIN Outbin of the created AFPDS output spooled file
USRPRM Value from the User Parameter (after) field
Sample User Exit Program
The following Control Language (CL) program provides a framework for using the
before. middle, and after user exits within APU production processing. This
program is provided in the QCCSRC file in the QAPU library.
/* */
/* 5798-AF4 (C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1997 */
/* */
/* FUNCTION: This sample program demonstrates the */
/* new exit points in the APYPRTDEF command. */
/* */
/* Exit program parameter string */
106 APU User’s Guide