
Chapter 6. Automatic Printing with APU
Monitor ..............83
Introduction to the APU Monitor .......83
Understanding How the APU Monitor Works . . . 83
An Example of APU Monitor Processing ....84
A Customer Environment.........84
Implementing the Customer Requirements on the
APU Monitor.............85
Condition of the Output Queue after Processing 86
Configuring APU Monitor .........87
Specifying the Queues APU is to Monitor . . . 88
Configuring APU Monitor Action ......89
Starting APU Monitor ...........97
Stopping APU Monitor ..........98
Part 4. Appendixes.........99
Appendix A. APU Samples......101
Appendix B. User Exits .......103
Processing Phases ............103
User Exit Before ............103
User Exit Middle ............104
User Exit After .............105
Sample User Exit Program .........106
Appendix C. APU Helpful Hints ....111
APYPRTDEF Command ..........111
APU Defaults .............111
Maximum APU Values ..........111
Print Definition Creation..........111
Mapping Data .............112
Copies and Page Formats .........112
Duplex ...............113
Creating Sample Spool Files ........113
Creating Your Own Copy of INVSCS ....113
Recreating INVPRE and INVSCS ......113
Appendix D. AFP Resource
Commands ............115
Creating Font Resources ..........115
Creating Overlay Resources ........116
Creating Page Segment Resources ......117
Appendix E. Rotation Hints .....121
Methods of Rotating Text Data .......121
General Rules .............121
Appendix F. Font Samples ......123
Times New Roman Medium ........123
Helvetica Roman Bold ..........124
Courier ...............125
Glossary .............127
Notices ..............133
Trademarks ..............133
Index ...............135
APU User’s Guide