
Notice that the “header” of the panel displays the spooled file name, the page
number, the line number, and the line you are currently dealing with (1/12, 2/12,
and so on), and the number of columns currently displayed.
To define and map a field:
1. Position the cursor where you want the field to start in the spooled file and
press F14. The rest of the line is highlighted.
2. Position the cursor where you want the field to end and press F15.
3. After you have defined the end of a field, the Select Function panel (in the
following example, on the right side of panel) appears.
In this example, position the cursor under the I in IMPROVED and press F14.
Then position the cursor under P in CORP and press F15, as shown in
Figure 47:
You can select from three options on the Select Function display:
v The MapasTextoption enables you to specify formatting attributes and the
position of the field on the printed page. You can place a field in up to four
different positions on the page. Refer to “Mapping a Field at Multiple
Locations” on page 49 for a descrption of this capability.
v The Map as Bar Code option enables you to print the field as a bar code.
The data in this field must match the data you want represented in bar code.
APU produces the bar code using Bar Code Object Content Architecture
(BCOCA), which builds the bar code with all needed elements, such as HRI,
Check Digit, and so on, depending on the bar code type.
v The Suppress option enables you to prevent the field from being printed.
Note: All of the original data prints “as is”, unless it is mapped as text, bar code,
or suppressed. If you want a field to remain where it is, do not do anything
to it.
Define Field Mapping
Spooled file . . . . : INVSCS Page/Line......: 1/11
Control . ....... +10 Columns . ......: 1-78
PERFORMANCE BOULEVAR.......................................
PRINTERSVILLE : Select Function :
CO 45789-2637 : :
: From Row / Column : 12 / 12 :
: Length......: 22 :
100 : : 98
: Type option, press Enter. :
BEST WAY : 1=Select : NTER RE
: Opt Function :
1 CT 00000300 HIGH : 1 Map as Text : 1.01
1 PK 01100517 SPAR : Map as Bar Code : 2.39
9 PK 04569870 NORT : Suppress : ,724.88
: : More...
F3=Exit F11=Hide ma : F12=Cancel : ield
F15=End field F16=Delete :....................................:
Figure 47. Select Function display
46 APU User’s Guide