
Part 3. Printing With APU
Chapter 5. Manual and Command Line Printing
with APU ...............79
Methods of Printing with APU ........79
Manually Associating a Print Definition with a
Spooled File ..............79
Panel 1: Apply Print Definition .......80
Panel 2: Apply Print Definition .......81
Panel 3: Apply Print Definition .......82
Using the Apply Print Definition Command . . . 82
Chapter 6. Automatic Printing with APU Monitor 83
Introduction to the APU Monitor .......83
Understanding How the APU Monitor Works . . . 83
An Example of APU Monitor Processing ....84
A Customer Environment.........84
Implementing the Customer Requirements on the
APU Monitor.............85
Condition of the Output Queue after Processing 86
Configuring APU Monitor .........87
Specifying the Queues APU is to Monitor . . . 88
Configuring APU Monitor Action ......89
Initial Panel ............89
Creating an Action Group Entry .....89
Defining Selection for Input Spooled File . . 90
Defining Action for Input Spooled File . . . 91
Defining Action for Output Spooled File. . . 92
An Example of this Processing Step ....92
Defining User Exit Before and Middle . . . 94
Defining User Exit After ........96
Starting APU Monitor ...........97
Stopping APU Monitor ..........98
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