82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Mandatory PCI Configuration Registers
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
194 January 2011
Subsystem ID
This value can be loaded automatically from the EEPROM at power up with a default value of 0000h.
Subsystem Vendor ID
This value can be loaded automatically from the EEPROM address 0Ch at power up or reset. A value of
8086h is the default for this field at power up if the EEPROM does not respond or is not programmed. All
functions are initialized to the same value.
The Capabilities Pointer field (Cap_Ptr) is an 8-bit field that provides an offset in the device PCI
Configuration Space for the location of the first item in the Capabilities Linked List. The 82575 sets this
bit and implements a capabilities list to indicate that it supports PCI Power Management, Message
Signaled Interrupts, and PCIe* Extended capabilities. Its value is 40h, which is the address of the first
entry, PCI Power Management.
Interrupt Pin
This is a read only register.
LAN 0 / LAN 1.
A value of 01h or 02h indicates that this function implements legacy interrupt on INTA
or INTB, respectively. This value is loaded from EEPROM word 24h and 14h for LAN 0 and LAN 1,
Interrupt Line
Field Bit(s) RD/WR
Address 31:11 R/W 0b This field contains address bits, which are read/write and hardwired to 0b,
depending on the memory mapping window size.
The LAN Expansion ROM space can be 64 KB to 8 MB in powers of 2. The
mapping window size is set by EEPROM word 0Fh.
Reserved 10:1 R 0b This field is reserved and should be set to 0b. (Writes are ignored.)
0 R/W 0b 1b = Enables expansion ROM access.
0b = Disables expansion ROM access.
PCI Function Default Value EEPROM Address
LAN Functions 0000h 0Bh
Address Item Next Pointer
40h : 47h PCI Power Management 50h
50h : 5Fh Message Signaled Interrupt 60h
60h : 6Fh Extended Message Signaled Interrupt A0h
A0h : DBh PCIe* Capabilities 00h
1. If only a single device or function of the 82575 is enabled, this value is ignored, and the Interrupt
Pin field of the enabled device reports INTA# usage.