
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — RSS Random Key Register - RSSRK (05C80h + 4*n
[n=0..9]; R/W)
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
384 January 2011
14.5.7 RSS Random Key Register - RSSRK (05C80h +
4*n [n=0..9]; R/W)
The RSS Random Key register stores a 40 byte key used by the RSS hash function.
. . .
14.5.8 VMDq Control - VMD_CTRL (0581Ch; R/W)
DW 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
0 K[3] K[2] K[1] K[0]
1 . . .
DW 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
7 K[39} ... ... K[36]
Field Bit(s) Initial Value Description
K0 7:0 00h Byte n*4 of the RSS random key (n=0,1,…9).
K1 15:8 00h Byte n*4+1 of the RSS random key (n=0,1,…9).
K2 23:16 00h Byte n*4+2 of the RSS random key (n=0,1,…9).
K3 31:24 00h Byte n*4+3 of the RSS random key (n=0,1,…9).
Field Bit(s)
Default VMDq
Queue #0
1:0 00b Determines the target queue for received packets that cannot be classified by the
VMDq procedures (for example, broadcast packets) or packets allocated to pool 0
that cannot be decoded by RSS. Operates differently in each mode:
Association through MAC address - defines default queue number.
Association through MAC address + RSS - Defines the default queue for packets
allocated to pool 0.
Reserved 6:2 0h Reserved
Default VMDq
Queue #1
8:7 00b Determines the target queue for received packets that cannot be classified by the
VMDq procedures (for example, broadcast packets) or packets allocated to pool 1
that cannot be decoded by RSS. Operates differently in each mode:
Association through MAC address - reserved.
Association through MAC address + RSS - defines the default queue for packets
allocated to pool 1.
Reserved 30:9 0h Reserved
Default Pool 31 0b Determines the target pool for received packets that cannot be classified by the
VMDq procedures (for example, broadcast packets). Operates differently in each
Association through MAC address - reserved
Association through MAC address + RSS - defines the default pool for packets that
cannot be allocated to any pool.