
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Copper/Fiber Switch
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
286 January 2011
CTRL_EXT (00018h) bits 23:22. The default value for the LINK_MODE setting is directly mapped from
the EEPROM's initialization Control Word 3 (bits 1:0). Software can modify the LINK_MODE indication
by writing the corresponding value into this register.
Before dynamically cycling a mode, ensure via the software device driver that the current mode of
operation is not in the process of transmitting or receiving data. This is achieved by disabling the
transmitter and receiver, waiting until the 82575 is in an idle state and then beginning the process
for changing the link mode.
The mode switch in this method, is only valid until the next hardware reset of the 82575. After a
hardware reset, the link mode is restored to the default set by the EEPROM. To get a permanent
change of the link mode, the default in the EEPROM should be changed.
The auto switch capability can be used in either port independent of the usage of the other port.
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