82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Hardware Accessed Words
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
74 January 2011 End of RO Area (Word 2Ch Start of RO Area (Word 2Dh) Watchdog Configuration (Word 2Eh) VPD Pointer (Word 2Fh)
This word points to the Vital Product Data (VPD) structure. This structure is available for the NIC/LOM
vendor to store it's own data. PXE Words (Words 30h:3Eh)
Words 30h through 3Eh have been reserved for configuration and version values to be used by PXE
code. The only exception is word 3Dh. 3Dh is used for iSCSI boot configuration. Main Setup Options PCI Function 0 (Word 30h)
Table 24. End of RO Area (Word 2Ch)
Bit(s) Name Default Description
15 Reserved 0b Reserved.
14:0 EORO_
0h Defines the end of the area in the EEPROM that is RO. The resolution is one word
and can be up to byte address FFFFh (7FFFh words). A value of zero indicates no
RO area.
Table 25. Start of RO Area (Word 2Dh)
Bit(s) Name Default Description
15 Reserved 0b Reserved.
14:0 SORO_
0h Defines the start of the area in the EEPROM that is RO. The resolution is one word
and can be up to byte address FFFFh (7FFFh words). Should be smaller or equal to
Word 2Ch.
Table 26. Watchdog Configuration (Word 2Eh)
Bit(s) Name Default Description
15 Watchdog
0b Enable watchdog interrupt.
14:11 Watchdog
2h Watchdog timeout period (in seconds).
10:0 Reserved - Reserved.