82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller — Register Summary
82575EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller 324632-003
Software Developer’s Manual and EEPROM Guide Revision: 2.1
292 January 2011
case, the 82575 delays the results through normal bus methods. For example, a split
transaction or transaction retry.
Because a register/memory/flash read or write takes two IO cycles to complete, software must provide
a guarantee that the two IO cycles occur as an atomic operation. Otherwise, results can be
indeterminate. Undefined I/O Offsets
I/O offsets 08h through 1Fh are considered to be reserved offsets with the I/O window. Dword reads
from these addresses will return FFFFh; writes to these addresses are discarded.
14.2 Register Summary
All 82575's non-PCIe* configuration registers, except from the MSI-X register, are listed in the table.
These registers are ordered by grouping and are not necessarily listed in order that they appear in the
address space.
Category Offset Abbreviation Name R/W Page
General 00000h
CTRL Device Control R/W 299
General 00008h STATUS Device Status RO 302
General 00010h EEC EEPROM/Flash Control R/W 303
General 00014h EERD EEPROM Read R/W 305
General 00018h CTRL_EXT Extended Device Control R/W 306
General 0001Ch FLA Flash Access R/W 309
General 00020h MDIC MDI Control R/W 310
General 00024h SERDESCTL Serdes_ana R/W 326
General 00028h FCAL Flow Control Address Low R/W 328
General 0002Ch FCAH Flow Control Address High R/W 328
General 00030h FCT Flow Control Type R/W 329
General 00034h CONNSW Copper/Fiber Switch Control R/W 326
General 00038h VET VLAN EtherType R/W 327
General 05B78h UFUSE Fuse Register RO 327
General 00028h FCAL Flow Control Address Low R/W 328
General 0002Ch FCAH Flow Control Address High R/W 328
General 00030h FCT Flow Control Type R/W 329
General 00170h FCTTV Flow Control Transmit Timer Value R/W 329
General 00E00h LEDCTL LED Control R/W 329
General 01000h PBA Packet Buffer Allocation R/W 331
General 01008h PBS Packet Buffer Size R/W 332
General 01028h I2CCMD SFP I2C Command R/W 332
General 0102Ch I2CPARAMs SFP I2C Parameter R/W 333
General 0103C FLASHOP FLASH Opcode R/W 334
General 01038h EEDIAG EEPROM Diagnostic R/W 334
General 01010h EEMNGCTL Manageability EEPROM Control Register RO 335