12 Kaspersky
Administration Kit
2.2. Building a centralized anti-virus
protection administration
The first step to building a system of centralized management over an enterprise
network through Kaspersky Administration Kit is to design a logical network. At
this stage, you should make the following decisions:
1. Select isolated sections within the network and determine the
number of Administration servers that must be installed. The use of
hierarchy of administration servers will allow to considerably
decrease the load on the communication channels and increase
the system reliability.
2. Which computers in the corporate network structure will function as
the main Administration server, the slave servers administrator
servers, administrator's workstations, and client computers. Note
that all computers on which Kaspersky Lab applications are
installed will act as client computers.
3. Which criteria will be used to organize client computers in groups?
What will be the group hierarchy?
4. Which deployment scenario will be used: remote or local
During the next stage, the administrator has to build a logical network, i.e., install
the following Kaspersky Administration Kit components on networked computers,
1. Install the Administration Servers on computers within the
corporate network.
2. Install the Administration Console on computers from which the
administration will be provided.
3. Make decision regarding assigning of the logical network
administrators, determine which other user categories will interact
with the system and assign a list of functions to be performed to
each category.
4. Create lists of users and grant to each group access rights required
to perform functions assigned to this group and related to access