Installation and Removal of Software on the Computers 57
7. In this wizard window (see Figure 32) you will be offered to determine
additional installation settings.
• Whether the application must be reinstalled if it has already
been installed on the computer.
Check the Do not install application if it is already installed
box in order to prevent repeated installation (by default the box
is checked). In this case for the computers on which the
application is installed locally or as the result of previous
scheduled launch of the remote installation task, the task will
not be launched.
If the box is unchecked, the remote installation task will be
launched by scheduled until the maximum number of attempts
to install the application has been reached.
• To specify the method for delivery of the files required to install
the application on the client computers.
In order to do it, perform the following in the Downloading the
installation package group of fields:
o Check the Using Microsoft Windows resources from
public access folder box if you wish that the transfer of
the files required to install the application to the client com-
puters is performed using Windows tools and the shared
folders (by default this box is checked).
o Check the Using Administration Agent box so that the
files are delivered to the client computers by the Network
Agent installed on each computer (by default this box is
o In the The maximum number of simultaneous
downloads field specify the maximum number of client
computers that can download information from the Admini-
stration Sever.
• Specify the number of attempts to perform the installation in
case of a scheduled task launched by entering the required
value in the Number of attempts field. Repeated attempts are
made in case of an error during the execution in the course of
the previous installation.