16 Kaspersky
Administration Kit
To install MSDE:
1. Run the executable file in the MSDE2KSP3 directory on the
Kaspersky Administration Kit 5.0 installation CD. The installation
wizard will then suggest that you configure settings and run the
application. Follow the setup wizard’s instructions.
2. First steps are common and include unpacking required files from
the distribution package and copying them to the hard drive of your
computer, verification of the required software, accepting the
license agreement and providing information about the user and the
3. Then define the following in the Installation folder dialog box:
• in the Application modules field - the folder for installation of
the MSDE application files. The default folder is:
<Disk:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server. If this folder
does not exist, it will be created automatically.
• in the Database field - a folder that will be used to store the
MSDE server database. The default folder is also
<Disk:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server.
To select the folders use the Browse button.
4. After this, in the SQL server name dialog box (see Figure Figure
1) specify the name that will be assigned to this server. By default
the name is not created and to address the server the name of the
computer on which the server is installed will be used. If you wish to
assign a different name, uncheck the By default box and enter a
new name in the SQL server name.
After you have configured the settings, you can review them and start the
installation. Once the installation is successfully completed, MSDE will be
installed on your computer.