User-set Allocations Section 4-4
4. Multiple masters cannot share the same slave.
5. Be sure to use user-set allocations and operate the Master Unit with the
scan list enabled if multiple masters are connected to a single network.
Communications will not be possible if there is more than one master with
the scan list disabled connected to a network.
Changing System Components
In the following situations, the table must be reset, the Master User Alloca-
tions Switch (word n, bit 11) turned ON, and the scan list recreated:
• Adding a slave
• Removing a slave
• Changing a node address
• Changing a node allocation
There is no need to clear the scan list.
Example Settings for User-set Allocations through Allocated DM Area Words
This example uses the following settings for unit number 0.
• OUT block 1 area and first word: WR (04 Hex), 50 (0032 Hex)
• IN block 1 area and first word: WR (04 Hex), 100 (0064 Hex)
• Allocation Size Setup Table area and first word: DM (03 Hex), 00100
(0064 Hex)
This example shows user-set allocations for the following slaves.
Master User Allocations Table
Node address Outputs Inputs Product
0 16 pts 0 pts 16-pt Transistor Output Terminal (DRT1-
1 8 pts 8 pts 8-pt input and 8-pt Output Environment-
resistant Terminal (DRT1-MD16C)
2 16 pts 16 pts CQM I/O Link Terminal (CQM1-DRT21)
3 0 pts 8 pts 8-pt Transistor Input Terminal (DRT1-
4 None ---
5 160 pts 160 pts CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit (CS1W-
DRM21) (Slave Unit)
OUT block 1 area: WR (04 Hex)
First word of OUT block 1: 50 (0032 Hex)
IN block 1 area: WR (04 Hex)
First word of IN block 1: 100 (0064 Hex)
Area for the Allocation Size Setup Table: DM (03 Hex)
First word of the Allocation Size Setup Table: 00100 (0064 Hex)