Error Log Functions Section 9-2
• Installation of terminators at both ends of the trunk line
• Excessive noise
Unit Errors
Special Unit Error
DeviceNet Unit Response
Records the error in the error log.
Stops the Unit.
Restart the CPU Unit. Replace the DeviceNet Unit if the error recurs.
9-2 Error Log Functions
Errors detected by the DeviceNet Unit are stored in the error log along with
the date and time of their occurrence. The error log can be read, cleared, and
monitored using FINS commands or a Configurator.
9-2-1 Error Log Table
Error Log Table Each time an error occurs, one error record is recorded in the DeviceNet
Unit’s RAM error log table. The table can record up to 64 records. If another
error occurs when the table is full, the oldest record will be erased to make
room for the new error record.
The error log table records the following information.
• Error code
• Detail code
• Time of occurrence (The CPU Unit’s time is used for the time stamp.)
Error Log Storage Area When an error is detected, information on the error and the time stamp are
stored in the Unit’s internal RAM as an error log record. Serious errors are
recorded in EEPROM as well as RAM. The error log records in EEPROM are
retained even when the Unit’s power is turned OFF or the Unit is restarted.
The error log records in EEPROM are copied to RAM when the DeviceNet
Unit is turned ON.
When the error log is read with a FINS command or from the Configurator,
only the error log records in RAM are read. When the error log is cleared with
a FINS command or from the Configurator, the error log records in RAM and
EEPROM are erased.
Note Refer to 9-2-2 Error Codes and Detail Codes for a table listing the error codes.
Reading and Clearing the
Error Log
The error log table can be read or cleared by sending a FINS command to the
DeviceNet Unit. Use the DeviceNet Unit’s unit address as the FINS com-
mand’s destination unit address. (The unit address is the unit number+10
Refer to the SYSMAC CS/CJ Series Communication Commands Reference
Manual (W342) for details on using the FINS commands. Refer to the Appen-
dix E FINS Commands and Responses for DeviceNet Units for details on
FINS commands addressed to the DeviceNet Unit.
7-segment MS indicator NS indicator Error log (Hex)
OFF Red (lit) OFF 0601