Comparison with Previous Models Section 1-4
1-4 Comparison with Previous Models
The following table provides a comparison between the CS1W-DRM21
DeviceNet Unit and the C200HW-DRM21-V1 DeviceNet Master Unit used in a
CS/CJ-series PC.
Item C200HW-DRM21-V1 CS1W-DRM21/CJ1W-DRM21
Unit classification C200H Special I/O Unit CPU Bus Unit
Mounting position CPU Rack, C200H I/O Expansion Rack, CS-
series Expansion Rack
CPU Rack, CS/CJ-series Expansion Rack
No. of Mas-
ters that can
be mounted
Fixed alloca-
1 Master 3 Masters (Select unique words must be
allocated using the software switches.)
3 Slaves (Select unique words must be allo-
cated using the software switches.)
User-set allo-
16 Masters (Configurator required) 16 Masters (even without the Configurator)
Routing table registration Not necessary When creating a routing table, registration in
a local network table is necessary.
Unit No. that can be set 0 to F 0 to F
Masters on a single network Multiple Masters, Configurator required Multiple Masters even without the Configura-
Remote I/O
Master ❍❍
Slave X ❍
Message communications Explicit message send, FINS message com-
Explicit message send, FINS message com-
Note Can send and receive explicit mes-
sages to the PC to which a C200H
DeviceNet Master Unit or CVM1/CV
DeviceNet Master Unit is mounted.
Cannot sent or receive FINS mes-
Registration in the scan list
when using only message
Required Not required
Area used to
data with the
CPU Unit
(not includ-
ing remote I/
O allocation)
CIO Area
2,000 to 2,009 + (10 x unit number) 1,500 to 1,524 + (25 x unit number)
Allocated DM
Area words
Not used D30000 to D30099 (100 x unit number)
DM area
D06032 to D06033 + (2 x unit number) Not used.
Note With user-set allocations using the
allocated DM Area words however,
the Allocation Size Setup Table must
be allocated to a position in I/O mem-