Nomenclature and Functions Section 2-1
2-1-2 Status Indicators: MS and NS
The MS (Module Status) indicator indicates the status of the node itself and
the NS (Network Status) indicator indicates the status of the network.
The MS and NS indicators can be green or red and they can be OFF, ON, or
flashing (alternating 0.5-s ON and 0.5-s OFF.) The following table shows the
meaning of these indicator conditions.
1. Status indicators
2. Two-digit, 7-segment display
3. Dot indicators
Color Status Meaning (likely errors)
MS Green ON Normal operating status
Communications are being performed normally.
Red ON A non-recoverable, fatal error has occurred.
(Watchdog timer error, memory error, or system error.)
Replace the DeviceNet Unit.
Flashing A recoverable, non-fatal error has occurred. (Structure
error, switch setting error, PC initialization error, PC inter-
face error, or routing table error.)
Correct the error and reset the Unit.
--- OFF Power isn’t being supplied or the Unit is being reset.
NS Green ON The Unit is online with the network and remote I/O com-
munications have been established with a slave regis-
tered in the scan list or message communications have
been established.
Flashing The Unit is online with the network, but neither remote I/
O communications nor message communications have
been established. Either the scan list is being read, or
both remote I/O communications and message commu-
nications are disabled.
Red ON A fatal communications error has occurred. Network
communications are not possible.
(Node address duplicated or Bus Off error)
Flashing A non-fatal communications error has occurred. (Com-
munications error, setup error, or verification error)
--- OFF The Unit is not online with the network.
(There is no network power supply, the Unit is being
reset, a minor failure, or a sending error has occurred.)