DeviceNet Unit Features Section 1-2
a DeviceNet Unit. (See Appendix D Memory Card Backup Function for more
Note Refer to 7-2 Memory Card Backup Functions for details.
Various Connection
Normal multi-drop, T-branch multi-drop (with up to three branches), and daisy-
chain line connections are available. These methods can be combined to con-
struct a flexible system that suits the floor layout.
Maximum Network Length
of 500 m
A network can connect up to 63 Slaves and can handle remote I/O communi-
cations of up to 2,000 byes (16,000 points without the Configurator) per
DeviceNet Unit. A maximum network length of 500 m is possible with a baud
rate of125 Kbps using thick cable.
High-speed communications are possible at up to 500 Kbps for a trunk line
length of 100 m.
Compatibility with Slow
The communications cycle time can be set even without the Configurator so
slaves with slow response times can be used.
A Wide Variety of Slaves A wide variety of I/O devices, like Remote I/O Terminals, Environment-resis-
tant Terminals, Remote Adapters, Sensor Terminals, Temperature Input Ter-
minals, CQM1 I/O Link Units, Analog I/O Terminals, C200H I/O Link Units,
RS-232C Units, MULTIPLE I/O TERMINALs, Temperature Adjusters, Invert-
ers, and Intelligent Plugs can be used as slaves.
CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit
CPU Unit
Memory Card
File save
File load
Loads setup data to a DeviceNet Unit using a
software switch in CIO Area of the CPU Unit.