Output task The output task uses the page logs written by the input task to
load fonts in the font memory and variable data in the CD. It
causes paper to feed from the indicated tray and manages report
integrity with multiple checks. It sends the page buffer
information to the CD and coordinates the activity of the CD/IG
and RIP with the printer. In addition, Output manages delivery of
the printed pages to the correct bins and performs page recovery
if necessary.
Print description language compiler The PDL task loads the PDL compiler and looks in the JSL library
for the file to be compiled. Then it analyzes the JSL statements
and creates the object module (the JDL file).
Forms description language compiler The FDL task loads the FDL compiler and looks in the FSL library
for the file to be compiled. Then it analyzes the FSL statements
and creates the object module (the FRM file).
Host interface processor task The HIP task controls LPS communications with an online host.
It transfers SNA/SDLC or BSC files from the host to the LPS,
storing or printing them as directed. HIP also transfers files from
the host for storage and transfers Interpress files from a Xerox
Ethernet to the LPS for printing.
Report (RPT) task Works in connection with the Input task.
Printer Software
The Printer Software works in conjunction with the OSS (system
controller) to print your job. The system controller interprets the
user instructions contained in JDLs, DJDEs, and operator input, as
well as the data being printed on each page. The system
controller, driven by the OSS, sends this information to the
printer. Once the information reaches the printer, it is the Printer
Software that identifies the best way to carry out the task.
User Interface Software and User Dialog Software
As with the OSS and Printer Software, the System UI Software
and the User Interface Dialog interact together to control your
PC UI. Along with establishing and managing the
communication between the PC UI and the printer, the User
Interface Software displays the objects on the UI screen and
performs the actions input by the operator, as specified within
the UI Dialog.
4635 LPS software features include:
• Interpress 3.0 Publication Set. Refer to the Xerox 4635 LPS
Operations Reference for additional information.
• Xerox Network Services (XNS) printing, filing subset for
printing, and clearinghouse services. Refer to the Xerox 4635
LPS Operations Reference for additional information.