object file Source file converted into machine language (binary code).
octal Numbering system which uses base 8.
offline Devices not under the active control of a central processing unit.
For example, a computer makes output to a magnetic tape. The
tape is then used by an offline printing system to produce
printed data. Offline operations are much slower than online
operations. See also online.
offset To place pages currently being printed in slightly different
positions from previous pages.
online Devices under the direct control of a central processing unit, for
example a printing system in interactive communication with a
mainframe. See also offline.
operating system Basic host- or LPS-resident controlling program that governs the
operations of a computer, such as job entry, input/output, and
data management. The operating system is always running when
the computer is active. Unlike other types of programs, it does
not run to an end point and stop. The operating system of a
Xerox LPS is referred to as the operating system software (OSS).
operator area The 24-inch exclusive clearance that must be available directly in
front of each component of an LPS for operator activities.
operator command Statement to control a program, issued via a console device or
terminal, causing a control program to provide requested
information, alter normal operations, initiate new operations, or
terminate existing operations.
orientation 1. In reference to image area, orientation describes whether the
printed lines are parallel to the long edge of the paper or the
short edge of the paper. 2. Choice of printing portrait
(vertically) or landscape (horizontally).
origin In reference to image area, this is the upper left corner of a
overprinting Printing more than one character at the same position.
overprint lines Print lines whose carriage control specifies printing with no line
spacing after the last printed line.
page inversion Allows control of image orientation. A page can be rotated
—head-to-head and head-to-toe.
page orientation Direction in which data is printed on a report. See also
landscape page orientation; portrait page orientation.