A3 Paper size measuring 297 by 420 mm.
A4 Paper size measuring 210 by 297 mm.
abort To terminate the printing of a job or execution of a program
before it completes.
alignment Positioning of an image on a page for printing.
alphanumeric Set of characters including the letters A through Z, numerals 0
through 9, and all printable special symbols.
AIS Advanced Imaging Subsystem (AIS), made up of three PWBs,
used for character dispatch and image generation functions.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Standard
7-bit code that represents alphanumeric information. Each
alphanumeric character and several nonprinting characters are
assigned a binary number, covering 128 possible characters. It is
used for information interchange among data processing
systems, data communication systems, and associated
applications software Host- or LPS-resident software that directs the computer to
perform specific tasks or functions as opposed to the software
used to operate the computer. Common business applications
include payroll, accounting, and inventory.
ascender Portion of alphabetic character that rises above the body of the
character (its x-height portion). See also descender; x height.
Assured Printing Confirmation that a print job has been completed as intended:
all pages were printed in the correct order, no duplicate or
missing pages, and the correct image to sheet transfers have
audit log Captures the sheet delivery information for every page in an
audited report, certain details about each sheet, the planned and
actual report control totals, and waste management information.
B4 Paper size measuring 250 by 353 mm.
B5 Paper size measuring 178 by 254 mm.