parameter Part of a command, other than the keyword. See also keyword;
operator command.
pass through job On systems with XPAF, a job that is sent directly from a host to a
Xerox printer via XPAF, without undergoing XPAF processing.
password Unique word or set of characters that an operator or user must
supply to log on to a system.
patch In programming, to modify a portion of the program at the
machine language level (as opposed to modifying at the source
program level).
PDL print description language. Language used to describe printing
jobs to an LPS. PDL describes the input (type, format,
characteristics), performs the processing functions (logical
processing), and describes the output (type, format, font
selection, accounting options).
physical page Sheet of paper on which printing is done. See also
point Unit of measurement equal to 0.0139 inch. Points are always
used to express type size and leading. There are 12 points to a
pica and about 72 points to every inch. See also pica.
point size Height of character set from the top of its ascenders to the
bottom of its descenders in units (points). Point size does not
always include leading.
portrait page orientation Orientation of print lines or the top of an illustration parallel to
the short edge of the paper if the sheet is within the standard
size range. Sheets larger than standard have the reverse print
printer Output device that produces hardcopy printouts. Also referred
to as the IOT.
prompt Message or symbol displayed on a system console requiring the
operator to take action.
proportional font Font containing characters that vary in width. See also fixed font.
proportional spacing Text in which each alphanumeric character is given a weighted
amount of space. Such output has print-like appearance.
Proportional spacing allows more space for wide characters and
less space for narrow characters
proportional type Characters that vary in width.
purge To delete data from a system.