4635 LPS user considerations
This section describes inherent 4635 LPS user considerations.
4635 LPS edgemarking
To ensure consistency across all Xerox LPS printers, the
coordinate system used by all printers is identical. However, the
area upon which an actual image may appear is limited. Because
of this, data which starts near the edge of or off of the physical
page may be lost.
Edgemarking is the placement of marks at or near the edge of
the physical page. To accommodate edgemarking, the system
page must be larger than the physical page.
The 4635 LPS edgemarking capability could be limited if the
system page boundaries correspond to the sides of the physical
page of paper.
If any part of a form element or variable data line is positioned
off the leading edge of the system page (that is, the top edge of
a landscape-oriented page or the left edge of a portrait-oriented
page), the entire data element is not imaged. Refer to figure 5-1.
• If a line of variable text begins off the leading edge of the
system page, the entire line of text is not printed.
• If a ruled line begins off the leading edge of the system
page, the entire ruled line is not printed.
• A line running parallel to the leading edge needs to be
positioned at least half the line thickness inside the leading
edge of the system page in order to be printed. For
example, a bold line is 8 dots thick and it must, therefore, be
positioned at least 4 dots inside the leading edge of the
system page.
• If any part of a signature or logo begins off the leading edge
of the system page, the entire signature or logo is not
• One common cause of print elements accidentally beginning
off the system page is the improper use of the OUTPUT
SHIFT command. This command is used to shift the entire
contents of a page relative to the boundaries of the system
page. When a negative shift value is entered (as is often the
case for the back side of duplex pages), and that value
exceeds the left margin, no text elements will print. When
using a negative value for the OUTPUT SHIFT command, be
sure that it is less than the value of the left margin.