124 Chapter 7– Color Workflow
Printing the Job with the Calibration Table
Now that you have calibrated the paper you are going to use for printing,
you can select the calibration table to print any job on the same paper stock
using the same screen type. You can print the reference job you printed
before with the new calibration table to evaluate the calibration results.
To print the reference job:
1. In the Spire CX250 color server workspace, suspend the Process
2. Import the job.
3. Double-click the job to open the Job Parameters window.
4. On the Paper Stock tab, select the desired paper stock.
5. On the Color tab, select the calibration you created for the particular
stock from which you printed.
6. On the Color tab, select the screening method you used for the
selected calibration.
7. Set all other desired parameters, and then click OK to close the Job
Parameters window.
8. Activate the Process Queue and Print Queue, and inspect the printed
If you see that the print out has any color imperfection, review the job
parameter settings and make changes if necessary. If there are still color
imperfections, perform machine maintenance and repeat the calibration
For more information about tabs in the Job Parameters window, see Setting
Parameters in the Job Parameters Window
on page 176.