Managing the Job Queues 33
Managing the Job Queues
After entering the Spire CX250 color server, a job resides either in the
Queues window or in the Storage window, depending on the job flow.
To display the Queues window:
From the View menu, select Queues.
The Queues window consists of two areas, the
Process Queue and Print
• The Process Queue lists the job that is currently being processed and
the jobs that are waiting to be processed.
• The Print Queue lists the currently printing job and the jobs that were
processed successfully and are waiting to be printed. The
Print Queue
also lists frozen jobs (jobs for which the specified paper stock is not
Each queue holds jobs in the order in which they enter it. At any time, you
can view information regarding the number and status of the jobs in the
queues. You can also change the order of the jobs and suspend or resume
the queue.
After you start the Spire CX250 color server, the Queues window is
displayed. The Queues window consists of the
Print Queue and the Process