178 Appendix A– Setting Parameters
Image Position
This parameter enables you to change the location of the entire printed
image on the sheet (simplex or duplex).
Image position uses the following terminology:
• Rear: the edge of a sheet at which printing stops, near the rear of the
• Lead: the edge of a sheet at which printing begins
The page’s lead and rear edges are determined just after the page is printed
out, before making any change in page orientation.
¾ Select one of the following:
To print your job in the center of the page, click Center
To set page offsets, click the directional arrows or type Rear and
Lead values
¾ To apply page offset values to both odd and even pages, select the
Same on both sides check box.
Image Scale
¾ Perform one of the following:
To print the image original size, select 100% (default)
To fit the image to the selected paper size, select Fit to Paper
To custom size the image, select Custom and type the percent by
which you would like to proportionally increase or decrease the
image size
Rotate 180
¾ To rotate your job by 180°, select Yes.
Tip: Use this option to move duplex page data away from the spine.