128 Chapter 7– Color Workflow
To delete an ICC Profile:
1. In the Resource Center>Profile Manager, select the profile you would
like to delete.
2. Click the delete button .
The profile is deleted from the profile list.
Spot Color Editor and Workflow
Individual job pages can contain continuous tone (CT), line work (LW),
and spot color elements. The Spire CX250 color server Spot Color Editor
enables the editing of CMYK values of every spot color in the
. You can edit these values without affecting the CT or LW page
elements. It also enables you to create custom spot colors and to define
fixed CMYK values for those spot colors. The Spire CX250 color server
supports HKS and PANTONE 2000 Spot colors.
To edit an existing PANTONE color:
1. From the Tools menu, select Spot Color Editor.
The Spot Color Editor window appears with the Spire CX250 color
server's entire collection of colors listed.
Note: You cannot delete predefined ICC profiles.
Note: Spot colors—for example PANTONE—are not effected by CMYK
emulation. A spot color has the same appearance with any selected CMYK