34 Chapter 3– Getting Started
Each queue holds jobs in the order in which they enter it. The top job in the
queue is currently running, while all others are waiting to run.
If necessary, you can change the order the jobs that are waiting in the
queues. You can also view and edit the jobs’ parameters.
The Queues Window
After you submit PDL jobs (or resubmit PDL jobs), the Process Queue lists
the files to be processed.
Once a file has been processed successfully, it moves to the
Print Queue and
waits to be printed or to the Storage
window (depending on the current job
flow or virtual printer).
Note: If there are very short jobs in the Print Queue, several jobs may be
running at the same time. The jobs marked as running are listed first and printed
in the order they are listed.
For more information about operations on the jobs residing in the Queue
Manager, see Aborting a Running Job on page 39.