Chapter 5 Web-based Interface Configuration for Compex SGX3226
Select this connection type if you have subscribed to ADSL in a country utilising
standard PPPoE for authentication, for instance:
• If you are in Germany which uses T-1 connection.
• If you are a SingNet Broadband or Pacific Internet Broadband user in Singapore.
1. Click Save button to update your configuration.
Details on various broadband Internet services can be seen on “Configuring Your
Wide Area Network” on Page 34.
5.6 NAT Config
Network Address Translation allows an IP-based network to manage its public
(Internet) addresses separately from its private (intranet) addresses. With NAT, each
private IP address can be translated to a different public address, or multiple private
addresses can be aliases to a single public one. To accomplish this, NAT software
snoops both incoming and outgoing packets on the network. It modifies the source or
destination address in the IP header to reflect the mapping between internal and
external addressing for that network.
NAT functionality appears on Compex SGX3226 with low-level access to packets at
the network boundary. Several variations on NAT have also been implemented to
provide additional support for application-level protocols.