SECTION FOUR - Effects Definitions
Compression - A compressor is a tool used to limit the dynamic range of an instrument. In other words, it
ets a boundary for the volume the instrument will be able to reach. The nature of limiting the dynamics of an
nstrument tends to provide a smooth, even texture to the sound of the instrument. The GS30 has three different
ompressor settings: 1 (low), 2 (medium), and 3 (high). These different settings determe the ratio of the
ompressor. The ratio is the relationship between the input volume to the output volume.
Wah and AutoWah - Wah is a classic effect which provides a sweepable filter giving the instrument a
ocal type sound. The regular Wah is controlled by the Expression Pedal. AutoWah is a Wah effect which is
utomatically controlled based on how hard you play. The GS30 includes 3 types of Wah (1 - Classic Wah, 2 -
reble Wah, 3 - Bass Wah), and 10 types of AutoWah (u1 - u5 - upward sweeping AutoWah with a progressing
egree of signal strength required to trigger the AutoWah, d1 - d5 - downward sweeping AutoWah with a
rogressing degree of signal strength required to trigger the AutoWah).
Modeling - Modeling is a new technology which allows you to emulate the sounds and frequency response of
ifferent types of amplifiers and guitars. Modeling applies the mathematical equation of an amplifier to your guitar
gnal. The modeling in the GS30 can emulate the sound of an acoustic guitar, or some of the greatest amps in
musical history.
he GS30 has an acoustic guitar simulator, and 6 different Amp Models to choose from: Clean Combo, Dirty
ombo, Stack, Fuzz, Grunge, and Metal. Each Amp Model as well as the acoustic simulator contains 6 adjustable
arameters: Gain (the amount of distortion), High EQ (treble), Mid EQ (mid range tone), Low EQ (bass), Gate
hreshold (see noise gate definition), and Volume (signal strength).