M-Audio 61es Musical Instrument User Manual

KeyStudio User Guide
operating scenarios, any of which could affect your system’s performance. Though this section cannot cover all possible situations
answer you are looking for, please feel free to contact M-Audio technical support for further assistance.
Problem 1: My KeyStudio suddenly stopped working after having performed fine since installation.
Solution 1: Close any music applications you are using, switch KeyStudio off, and restart your computer. Once your computer
has completely restarted, switch KeyStudio back on.
Problem 2: I have connected a sustain pedal to my M-Audio keyboard, but its function is reversed.
Solution 2: The polarity of the sustain pedal is calculated by the keyboard when it is powered up. On power up, the sustain
switch to change foot pedal polarity as well. Another way to reverse the sustain pedal’s polarity is to keep it pushed while
powering on your KeyStudio keyboard.
Problem 3: KeyStudio does not trigger sounds in my music software application.
Solution 3:BesureKeyStudioisselectedastheMIDIinputdevicewithinyoursoftware.
Problem 4: I cannot locate the KeyStudio USB keyboard in my software’s MIDI devices dialog box.
Solution 4: KeyStudio requires a powered USB port. Try plugging KeyStudio into a different USB port or powered USB hub
connected to your computer.
Problem 5: My synthesizer always recalls the sound next to the program number that I have sent to it from KeyStudio.
For example, if I send a program change with the number 40 (Violin), my software loads sound number 41 (Viola).
Solution 5:SomeGeneralMIDImodulescounttheirsoundpatchesfrom1–128insteadof0-127.Bothmethodsare
change number and the recalled sound patch.