
IInnppuutt SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss
FFuunnccttiioonn MMiinn.. IInnppuutt ZZ IInnppuutt GGaaiinn SSeettttiinnggss IInnppuutt LLeevveellss BBaall..//UUnnbbaall.. CCoonnnneeccttoorr
MMiinn..** NNoommiinnaall**** MMaaxx..
Microphone 2 k Ohms Max. 58 dB -74 dBu -54 dBu -38 dBu Bal. XLR: Pin 1 Gnd.
(150 Ohms) Min. 10 dB -24 dBu -6 dBu +12 dBu Pin 2 (+) Pin 3 (-)
Line Input 10 k Ohms Max. 38 dB -54 dBu -34 dBu -18 dBu Bal. 1/4" TRS: Tip (+)
(10 k Ohms) Min. -10 dB -6 dBu +14 dBu +32 dBu Ring (-) Sleeve Gnd.
Insert Return 22 k Ohms N/A 0 dB -16 dBu +4 dBu +22 dBu Unbal. 1/4" TRS: Tip Send
Ring Return
Sleeve Gnd.
Stereo Line Input 20 k Ohms Max. 20 dB -29 dBu -9 dBu +4 dBu Unbal. 1/4" Phone: Sleeve Gnd.
(RCAs) Min. 0 dB (detent) - 16 dBu +4 dBu +18 dBu
Aux. Return 22 k Ohms N/A 0 dB 24 dBu +4 dBu +22 dBu Bal. 1/4" TRS: Tip (+)
Ring (-) Sleeve Gnd.
* Minimum input level (sensitivity) is the smallest signal that will produce nominal output (+4 dBu) with sub and master
controls set for maximum gain.
**Nominal settings are defined as all controls set at 0 dB (or 50% rotation for rotary pots) except the gain adjustment pot,
which is as specified.
OOuuttppuutt SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss
FFuunnccttiioonn MMiinn.. LLooaadd OOuuttppuutt LLeevveell BBaall..//UUnnbbaall.. CCoonnnneeccttoorr((ss))
MMiinn.. MMaaxx..
Main L/R 600 Ohms +4 dBu +22 dBu Bal./Unbal. 1/4" Phone (Unbal.)
XLR: Pin 1 Gnd., Pin 2 (+), Pin 3 (-)
Mono 600 Ohms +4 dBu +22 dBu Bal./Unbal. 1/4" Phone (Unbal.)
XLR: Pin 1 Gnd., Pin 2 (+), Pin 3 (-)
Sub Master 600 Ohms +4 dBu +22 dBu Unbal 1/4" Phone
Aux Send 600 Ohms +4 dBu +22 dBu Bal./Unbal. 1/4" Phone (Unbal.)
XLR: Pin 1 Gnd., Pin 2 (+), Pin 3 (-)
Ch. Insert Send 600 Ohms +4 dBu +22 dBu Unbal. 1/4" TRS: Tip Send, Ring Return, Sleeve Gnd.
Headphone 8 Ohms +4 dBu +22 dBu Unbal. 1/4" TRS: Tip Left, Ring Right, Sleeve Gnd.
(No Load)
00 ddBBuu == 00..777755 VV RRMMSS