11. FADER: This is the channel output-level control. This control works somewhat differently on the automix
channels 1–4 and the remaining inputs. On channels 1–4, the fader scale is from off to 0dB. The gain on these
channels is best adjusted so that feedback will not occur with the fader set at 0. The fader will then be
operated in the black area (0 to ±20dB). On the remaining channels the fader scale is from off to +10dB of
gain. The optimum setting for these channels is the 0 (unity gain) position. Since the monitor and effect sends
receive their signal after this control, it also controls their level.
12. SIGNAL PRESENT: When the channel signal exceeds ±20dBu, this lights, giving a quick visual indication
that audio is present in the channel. This light should blink on during normal use.
13. CHANNEL STATUS: On a channel assigned to the auto-mix group, this light indicates that the channel is
active and is a dominant auto-mix channel. If it is not lit, it does not mean that the channel is dead, but that the
level is being attenuated. If channel 3 or 4 are assigned to the solo group, the state of their status LED is
meaningless. With no signal on any auto-mix channel, all four status LEDs may light since all share the same gain.
14. COMPRESSION ACTIVE: When the level set by the compressor threshold control is exceeded,
compression of the signal begins. When the gain reduction exceeds 3 dB this light will illuminate. The
compressor on these channels is intended to help control the dynamic range when persons speak loudly. The
light should only come on during loud speech. If the light is on much of the time, the dynamic range can be
unnaturally compressed and the channel will be more prone to feedback.
15. MONITOR BLEND: The Monitor Blend control adjusts the mix of the left and right inputs sent to both the
Monitor1 and Monitor2 outputs. Setting this control in the center equally blends the left and right input into
monitors. If a split accompaniment track is played with vocals on one track, the Monitor Blend controls the mix
of vocals added to the monitors to assist the singer(s). The headphone monitor can help make this adjustment.
16. INPUT SELECT: The inputs to channels 11/12 and 13/14 can be selected as left (mono), right (mono), or
normal stereo. These channels are always assigned to the mains and cannot be assigned to another sub
group. This input select switch is specifically included to help when using soundtracks that are split into vocal
and accompaniment tracks. The track with the music can be selected and sent to the house, while the
Monitor Blend controls the blend of left and right in the monitors.