
Keyboard Mode Functions
You can turn the C1/C2 knobs to edit the currently selected Tone
(including drum set Tones). After editing a Tone, you can save it in
user memory.
For example, if the KEYBOARD [SPLIT] and [UPPER] buttons are lit,
the following procedure will edit the Tone for the Upper Part of Split
Press ANALOG MODIFY [SELECT] to make FILTER light.
Turn the C1 knob to adjust CUTOFF, or turn the C2 knob to
Press ANALOG MODIFY [SELECT] to make ENV light.
Turn the C1 knob to adjust ATTACK, or turn the C2 knob to
adjust RELEASE.
These parameters affect the way in which the volume changes
between the time a key is pressed and released.
You can edit the currently selected tone (including drum set Tones)
in more detail. After editing a Tone, you can save it in user memory.
Use SELECT [ ][ ] to get the screen to indicate “Edit
Press [ENTER].
If you press [EXIT], you’re returned to the previous screen.
Use SELECT [ ][ ] to select a parameter, and turn the
VALUE dial to adjust the value of the parameter.
is an effect that smoothly changes the pitch from
one note to the next.
is an effect that uses an LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)
to cyclically vary the pitch.
After you’ve edited the currently selected Tone (including drum set
Tones), here’s how you can save it in user memory.
Use SELECT [ ][ ] to get the screen to indicate “Write
Press [ENTER]; the screen will indicate “Tone Num: U001.”
Turn the VALUE dial to select a save destination (U001–
U144). Then press [ENTER].
Input a name for the user Tone.
Use SELECT [ ][ ] to move the cursor, and turn the
VALUE dial to change each character.
Press [ENTER]; the screen will indicate “Write Sure?”
Press [ENTER] to write the edited tone into user memory.
If you press [EXIT], you’re returned to the previous screen
without the tone being written.
Editing a Tone
This specifies the cutoff frequency at
which the filter will begin affecting the
spectral components of the sound. Turn
the knob toward the right to brighten the
sound, or toward the left to darken the
RESONANCE This boosts the sound in the region of the
cutoff frequency, adding a distinctive
character to the sound. Turn the knob to-
ward the right to strengthen this character,
or toward the left to decrease it.
ATTACK Adjusts the attack time (the time from when
you press a key until the sound reaches its full
volume). Turn the knob toward the right to
lengthen the attack time, or toward the left to
shorten it.
RELEASE Adjusts the release time (the time from when
you release a key until the sound disappears).
Turn the knob toward the right to lengthen the
release time, or toward the left to shorten it.
Editing a Tone in Detail
Parameter Range Explanation
Tone Volume 0–127 Adjusts the volume of the tone.
Porta Sw OFF,
Specifies whether portamento
(see the glossary item in the right
column of this page) will be ap-
plied (ON) or not (OFF).
Porta Time
0–127 Adjusts the speed at which the
pitch will change when porta-
mento is used. Higher settings
will lengthen the time over
which the pitch changes to the
next note.
Cutoff -64–+63 The same as CUTOFF described
in the left column of this page.
Resonance -64–+63 The same as RESONANCE de-
scribed in the left column of this
Attack Time -64–+63 The same as ATTACK described
in the left column of this page.
Decay Time -64–+63 Adjusts the decay time (the time
from when the attack has fin-
ished until the volume reaches
the level at which it will remain
as long as you hold down the
key). Higher settings produce a
longer decay time.
Release Time -64–+63 The same as RELEASE described
in the left column of this page.
Vib Rate -64–+63 Adjusts the modulation speed of
vibrato (see the glossary item be-
low). Higher settings produce
faster vibrato.
Vib Depth -64–+63 Adjusts the modulation depth
vibrato. Higher settings produce
more intense vibrato.
Vib Delay -64–+63 Adjusts the time until vibrato be-
gins. Higher settings produce a
longer delay until vibrato will
Saving a Tone
Range Explanation
GW-7_e.book 12 ページ 2005年2月16日 水曜日 午前8時48分