SoundCraft B400 Music Mixer User Manual

4.22 B400 Functional Description
When the switch in question is released the talkback output carries, depending on
link settings, either no signal or the signal from the EXT CUE contacts which are
also available on the Comms Module EDAC. When the switch is pressed the
appropriate output carries the console Talkback signal.
The input to the talkback system is from the Talkback Mic XLR which is provided
as standard on the overbridge and overall gain is adjusted via the T/B GAIN con-
trol. The talkback signal may be routed to various destinations as follows:
Pressing this switch routes the talkback signal to the External Talkback output on
the rear panel EDAC connectors.
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The talkback signal may be routed to any combination of the four Aux outputs by
pressing the appropriate switch.
Pressing this switch routes the talkback signal to all groups simultaneously. Note
that each individual Group is jumper selectable to enable the talkback signal to
either completely replace the group signal or mix with it.
Talkback is also available to Studio or the Stereo Master, as described below,
except when the ON-AIR switch on the Master module is pressed. The ON-AIR
LOCK OUT LED illuminates to show that the talkback to these outputs is dis-
Pressing the ST switch routes the talkback to the Stereo Master, except when the
ON-AIR LOCK OUT LED is illuminated.
This preset allows you to adjust the level of the talkback signal to the studio speak-
ers and the studio phones.
Pressing the TALK TO STUDIO switch routes the talkback signal to the studio
speakers and the studio phones. Note that the studio speakers will be muted by
the On-Air switch (ON-AIR LOCK OUT illuminated), but talkback is still sent to
studio phones.
HHeeaaddpphhoonneess//SSttuuddiioo SSppeeaakkeerrss
There are two sets of studio headphones outputs - studio phones and guest
phones, plus a studio speaker output. There is a choice of inputs to the three out-
puts, as described below.
HHeeaaddpphhoonneess//SSttuuddiioo SSppeeaakkeerr ssoouurrccee
The four switches select the source for the headphones/studio speakers and can
be CRM (i.e. whatever the control room monitor is sourcing via the Monitor mod-
ule), the Stereo Master, Aux 4 or and external source via the rear panel EDAC