1-4. Layer Balance
When a drum voice is made up of 2 layers (a single voice consist-
ing of 2 voice waves), this function sets the volume balance be-
tween the 2 layers that are delivered by each layer w of the input
source q.
* When only a 1 layer voice is set, this setting will be ignored.
1-6. Note Number
This function sets the MIDI note number for each layer w that is
transmitted when a signal is received from the input source q.
Drum Kit Voice Edit Mode
q IN (Input Source)
w Layer Number
Assigns the input source and layer for the setting. (Refer to P. 16)
e LayerBalance (Layer Balance)
[Range] –64 to 0 to +63, ---
Sets the volume balance between 2 layers.
* When the drum voice has only 1 layer “---” will appear in the
display and settings cannot be carried out.
1-5. Decay, Cutoff Frequency
This function sets the drum voice decay, the filter’s cutoff frequency
and adjusts the tone of each voice that is delivered by each layer
w of the input source q.
q IN (Input Source)
w Layer Number
Assigns the input source and layer for the setting. (Refer to P. 16)
e Decay
[Range] –64 to 0 to +63
Positive values will produce a clearer sound.
r Fc (Cutoff Frequency)
[Range]) –64 to 0 to +63
A positive value will produce a brighter sound, negative values
will produce a rounder sound.
q IN (Input Source)
w Layer Number
Assigns the input source and layer for the setting. (Refer to P. 16)
e Note# (MIDI Note Number)
[Range] 0-127 (C-2 to G8)
Sets the MIDI note number. The note number and voice name will
be displayed.
* When the selected MIDI note number has already been assigned
to another input source, “*” will be displayed next to “Note#=”.
1-7. Channel, Gate Time
This function sets the MIDI transmit channel and gate time (the
length of time from key on to key off) for the MIDI note on data of
each layer w that is transmitted when a signal is received from
the input source q.
q IN (Input Source)
w Layer Number
Assigns the input source and layer for the setting. (Refer to P. 16)
e Ch (MIDI Channel)
[Range] 1-16
r GateT (Gate Time)
[Range] 0.0s – 9.9s
KIT IN=pad 1 V=1
q w
KIT IN=pad 1 V=1
Decay= 0 Fc= 0
e r
q w
KIT IN=pad 1 V=1
Note#= 33(A 0)
q w
KIT IN=pad 1 V=1
Ch=10 GateT=0.3s
e r
q w