
AD-4405 Weighing Indicator Page 13
Dual Range
<First range> Select the resolution, decimal point position and format.
<First range> Select the weighing range
<Second range> Select the resolution
<Second Range> Specify the weighing capacity
For the range function, refer to 5.3. Weighing Range Function.
Specifying Specifying
Specifying the Range and Unit
the Range and Unitthe Range and Unit
the Range and Unit
Step 1 The range and unit of measure are displayed.
Range display : 5ingl : single range
dUal : dual range
To change the range function, use the CLEAR key
Unit display: The active unit is displayed. When using units that can be
used interchangeably, such as kg or lb, calibration should be
done by using the displayed unit.
To select a unit for weighing, use the MODE key and to select unit for
calibration, use the +/- key. The unit for calibration (first unit) is
displayed and the alternate unit (second unit) is blinking.
ENTER Stores the value displayed and then advances to the next step.
ESC Advances to the next step without changing the parameter.
Specifying Specifying
Specifying the Resolution, Decimal Point Position and Format
the Resolution, Decimal Point Position and Formatthe Resolution, Decimal Point Position and Format
the Resolution, Decimal Point Position and Format
Step 2 The resolution will be displayed as d 0.1, with decimal point. Triangle 1 and the first
unit selected at the previous step will be displayed.
Positioning of the decimal point is done with the CLEAR key, setting of display
format (point or comma) with the +/- key, the resolution with the MODE key. The
decimal point format, set at this stage, will only apply to the display. The decimal
point format for serial data output is selected using the F-function settings.
Press the ENTER key to store the displayed settings and then proceed to the next
step. Using the ESC key, regardless of what is displayed, the indicator will
proceed to the next step without changing the set data.
5.2. Calibration Procedure