
AD-4405 Weighing Indicator Page 53
Common Printer and Data Output
Common Printer and Data OutputCommon Printer and Data Output
Common Printer and Data Output Items
Items Items
There are some similar functions and operations for the internal printer and the
serial data output (RS-232C, RS-422/485 and the current loop).
Data output / print output mode
Data number (not available the current loop)
Interval data output or print out
Data Output / Print Mode
Data Output / Print ModeData Output / Print Mode
Data Output / Print Mode
Description of "Stream Mode" (For data output)
Function f37 0, f40 0
Operation The data is output at each sampling (when refreshing the display).
Use this mode to output data to an external display (The data may not be
output due to timing of the baud rate and internal sampling rate). If the data
is to printed by pressing the PRINT key on the printer, use the stream mode.
The serial interface command can not be used at f40 0.
Description of "Manual Print"
Function f37 1, f40 1, f60 1
Operation When pressing the PRINT key or the external input is set to output or print,
the stable weighing data is output and/or print just once.
The serial interface command can be used at f40= 1.
Description of "Auto Print Mode"
Object f37 2 or 3, f40 2 or 3, f60 2 or 3,
Operation When the weight data varies from the "inhibit region for output" to the
"permission region of output", the stable data is output and/or print just once.
If you use this mode, set f02 1 ~ 10, but not 0.
The serial interface command can be used at f40 2 or 3.
For weighing (and removing) each object and printing the data.
In case of f37 2, f40 2, f60 2
"Inhibit region for output" * +5d. +5d < "permission region of output".
In case of f37 3, f40 3, f60 3
-5d * "inhibit region for output" * +5d.
"Permission region of output" < -5d, +5d < "permission region of output".
d: division (weighing interval) of the first range.
Description of "Accumulation Data Output/Print"
Function f37 4, f40 4, f60 4
Operation When accumulating by manual or automatic, data is output and/or print
automatically with the accumulated data.
The serial interface command can be used at f40 4.
15. Common Printer and Data Output