AD-4405 Weighing Indicator Page 45
f28 determines the averaging time by 0.1second step. f28 0 holds the data at
averaging start.
The key switch function as the HOLD key (Average start or release holding data)
is by pressing the TOTAL key while pressing the ENTER key.
The external input function of averaging start is 19 and hold release is 20 of f13,
f14 and f15. The function is accepted at the off to on edge of the external input.
Conditions of the Average and Release
Conditions of the Average and ReleaseConditions of the Average and Release
Conditions of the Average and Release
The method to start/stop the average and release the hold state depends on the f27.
f27 1 f27 2 f27 3
Average start in the inhibit region No No No
Average start with key switch (including unstable) Yes No Yes
Average start with ext. input (including unstable) Yes No Yes
Average start with command (including unstable) Yes Yes Yes
Average start after passing the inhibit region and
No Yes Yes
Weight is entering the inhibit region at averaging Continue Stop Stop
Weight is entering to over at averaging Pending Stop Pending
Hold key input at averaging Stop Stop Stop
Release input from external input at averaging Stop Stop Stop
Release command input at averaging Stop Stop Stop
Hold key input at hold Release Release Release
Release input from external input at hold Release Release Release
Release command input at hold Release Release Release
Weight is entering the inhibit region at hold Continue Release Release
Weight is going to over at hold Continue* Continue* Continue*
Pending: Suspend the count up timer and do not average under the condition.
Release: Key, ext. input and command are effective at over display.
Continue*: Continue hold, but over display.
Key input and command in the ho
Key input and command in the hoKey input and command in the ho
Key input and command in the hold state
ld state ld state
ld state
Release hold and perform key function:
Commands: MT, MZ, HC
Continue hold and perform key functions
Keys: NET/GROSS, Accumulation, Comparison start/stop
Commands: Other commands
11. Hold Function