AD-4405 Weighing Indicator Page 31
Print Format
x 0 No print 0 0 : Line feed only
x 1 Device number ID# The number decided F06
x 2 Code number CD:x
x 3 Data number No.xxxxx
x 4 Judged result HH/H /OK/L /LL (2 digits)
x 5 Date 11/11/11 YMD order decided f51
x 6 Time hh:mm:ss (AM or PM)
x 7 Accumulated value 07,17,27,57 only
x a
Displayed value
G or N xxxx uu
Effective only with 0A,4A
x b Gross weight G xxxx uu Effective only with 0B,4B
x C Net weight N xxxx uu Effective only with 0C,4C
x d Tare Weight Effective only with 0D,4D
0 x No print
1 x Device number Not effective with 1A – 1D
2 x Code number Not effective with 2A – 2D
3 x Data number Not effective with 3A – 3D
4 x Judged result HH/H /OK/L /LL (2 digits)
5 x Date
Effective only with
50 to 54 and 56
6 x Time Effective only with 60 to 64
7 x Accumulated value Total xxxx uu
8 x Accumulation Number xxx
a x Displayed value G or N xxxx uu
b x Gross weight G xxxx uu
C x Net weight N xxxx uu
d x Tare Weight T xxxx uu
9 1
9 2
9 3
9 4
9 5
9 6
9 7
Print specified letters in
one line(16 digits).
f70 [Type3]
Print Format 1
Initial setting
f71 [Type3]
Print format 2
Initial setting
180, E270
=Printing order
=Left side
=Right side
exxx=End line mark
9 a
Signature ‘Signature’ and 3 line feed .
2 data sets can be printed in one line, the data printed at left side or right side. Some
data set occupy one line (weight data, accumulated data, 4-digit year stile etc.).
The printed data can include some symbols or characters with the numerical data.
A blank line can be set with parameter “00” in the printed lines. At the beginning
or ending of the print data, line feed can be set by f63 or f64 separately using
format 1 and 2.
The data number automatically increases by one after print out of the data group.
The first line is placed at the bottom of the line with inverted print mode(f65 1).
6.2. F-Functions