
AD-4405 Weighing Indicator Page 43
Toward the Zero band
Toward the Zero bandToward the Zero band
Toward the Zero band
Preliminary and Free fall output are holding the off state.
Over/Under comparison starts. If f23 30, judgment starts when Free fall turns on.
The judgment is not latched and the output is according to the state at the time.
The Weighing completion relay is turned on if f24 2. The on time is set by f25.
The READY mark is blinking regardless of the settings of f24 and f25.
Start is may be accepted at this state.
Returns to Zero band
Returns to Zero bandReturns to Zero band
Returns to Zero band
Over/Under and Weighing completion output is off.
The READY mark is turned on.
10.2.3. Setting the Parameters of Setpoint Comparison
Refer to "10.1.2. Setting Upper/Lower Limit Values".
The zero band value is set at f26 of the F-Functions, and the value does not
belong to a specific code memory, but is used commonly.
Setting Order and Display for Setpoint Comparison and Simple batch
Setting Order and Display for Setpoint Comparison and Simple batchSetting Order and Display for Setpoint Comparison and Simple batch
Setting Order and Display for Setpoint Comparison and Simple batch
MODE Display 1 2 3 4 5
Setpoint Setpoint Final Free fall Over Under
Comparison Class Fi FF Hi Lo
1 Comparator OK HI LO
Triangle 1
Setpoint Setpoint Free fall Preliminary Over Under Under
Comparison Class Fi FF Pr Hi Lo
2 Comparator OK HI LO
Triangle 1 2
Setpoint Setpoint Final Free fall Full Over Under
Comparison Class Fi FF Fu Hi Lo
3 Comparator OK HI LO
Triangle 1 2
Simple Setpoint Final Free fall Over Under
Batch 1 Class Fi FF Hi Lo
Comparator OK HI LO
Triangle 1
Simple Setpoint Final Free fall Preliminary Over Under
Batch 2 Class Fi FF Pr Hi Lo
Comparator OK HI LO
Triangle 1 2
Simple Setpoint Final Free fall Full Over Under
Batch 3 Class Fi FF Fu Hi Lo
Comparator OK HI LO
Triangle 1 2
10.2. Setpoint Comparison