
AD-4405 Weighing Indicator Page 35
8.1.2. Display and Operation
Action of Accumulating Data
When accumulating data, the display blinks once.
If the accumulated data is stored, the M+ mark is displayed.
Caution This function can not accumulate data with a different unit. Specify a unit
before use.
Display of Accumulated Data
When setting to Cf08 1 (Effective accumulation function) and pressing the TOTAL
key, total is displayed and the total data is displayed with the M+ mark blinking.
Pressing the TOTAL key alternatively displays the accumulated data and the
accumulation count. Pressing the ESC key, the weight data is displayed.
The total data can be output. Refer to "Output of Accumulation Data".
Undoing the Accumulation Data
The last weight data can be deduced from the accumulated data unless new data
has been accumulated.
Step 1 Press the TOTAL key to display total and the accumulated data.
Step 2 Press and hold the +/- key for more than 3 seconds. The display blinks once and
the data accumulated before accumulating the last weight data is displayed.
Caution External input can not be used.
Clearing the Accumulation Data
Step 1 Press the TOTAL key to display total and the accumulated data.
Step 2 Press and hold the ZERO key more than 3 seconds. The display blinks once and
the accumulated data is cleared.
Caution External input can not be used.
Initializing the Data Number and Clearing the Accumulation Data at the same time
When the data number is included with the data of the serial data output or the
printer, initializing the data number and clearing the accumulated data can be
done at same time.
If using both serial output and printer data number, all data numbers are
initialized by this operation.
Step 1 Press TOTAL key to display total and the accumulated data.
Step 2 Press and hold the ZERO and +/- keys at the same time for more than 3 seconds.
The display blinks once and the accumulated data is cleared. And the data
number is initialized (1).
Caution External input can not be used.
8. Accumulation