
User's Guide
D-8 Code Sets
Table D-3. AMT and Diablo 630 Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Basic Functions––continued
Auto line wrap These sequences control the automatic line wrap mode,
Start ................................ ESC ? 1B 3F 27 63 wherein the printer performs a carriage return/line feed
End ................................. ESC ! 1B 21 27 33 when printing reaches the rightmost print position on a line.
The rightmost print position on a line is determined by the
WIDTH setting on the printer's Setup menu. With the auto
line wrap mode off, the printer truncates text and graphics
that exceed the rightmost print position.
Auto perforation skip ........ ESC @ FF n 1B 40 0C n 27 64 12 n This sequence starts and ends the automatic perforation
Start ................................ ESC @ FF 1 1B 40 0C 31 27 64 12 49 skip mode, wherein the printer performs a form feed when-
End ................................. ESC @ FF 0 1B 40 0C 30 27 64 12 48 ever printing reaches one-half inch from the bottom of the
page. The form feed advances the paper one-half inch
beyond the next top-of-form or top margin (if one is set).
Uni-directional printing .... ESC @ U n 1B 40 55 n 27 64 85 n This sequence starts and ends unidirectional printing, where-
Start ................................ ESC @ U 1 1B 40 55 31 27 64 85 49 in printing occurs only while the carriage moves from left
Start (alternate) ............... ESC \ 1B 5C 27 92 to right. Unidirectional printing enables the exact align-
End ................................. ESC @ U 0 1B 40 55 30 27 64 85 48 ment of multi-line graphics, component characters and
End (alternate) ................ ESC / 1B 2F 27 47 other applications where vertical alignment is crucial.
Ignore codes ....................... ESC @ I n 1B 40 49 n 27 64 73 n This sequence causes the printer to ignore from 1 to 95
subsequent codes that it receives. The value of n minus 32
defines the number of codes to ignore. For example, to
ignore the next 20 codes, the correct escape sequence is
ESC @ I 4.
Restore control code .......... ESC SI 1B 0F 27 15 This sequence cancels the printing of characters with codes
functions below 20 hex that was enabled by an SO control code.
Search and replace ............ ESC @ X 1B 40 58 27 64 88 This sequence causes the printer to search through incom-
n1 n2 n1 n2 n1 n2 ing data for string1 and replace each occurance with
string1 string2 string1 string2 string1 string2 string2. The search and replace strings can be from 1 to
255 bytes long and can include any combination of codes.
Variable n1 in the sequence defines the length of string1 in
bytes; variable n2 in the sequence defines the length of
string2 in bytes. For example, to replace each occurrence
of AAA with ABC, the correct sequence is ESC @ X ETX
ETX A A A A B C. Or, to get the printer to ignore all
occurrences of AAA, the correct sequence is ESC @ X
Only one search and replace sequence can be in effect at a
time. Whenever you send a new search and replace
sequence, the previous search and replace sequence is
discarded. To cancel a search and replace sequence
without defining a new one, use ESC @ X NUL NUL.
Note: Search and replace does not affect graphics escape
sequences or the download font escape sequence.
User's Guide
D-8 Code Sets
Table D-3. AMT and Diablo 630 Escape Sequences––continued
Function ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal Description
Basic Functions––continued
Auto line wrap These sequences control the automatic line wrap mode,
Start ................................ ESC ? 1B 3F 27 63 wherein the printer performs a carriage return/line feed
End ................................. ESC ! 1B 21 27 33 when printing reaches the rightmost print position on a line.
The rightmost print position on a line is determined by the
WIDTH setting on the printer's Setup menu. With the auto
line wrap mode off, the printer truncates text and graphics
that exceed the rightmost print position.
Auto perforation skip ........ ESC @ FF n 1B 40 0C n 27 64 12 n This sequence starts and ends the automatic perforation
Start ................................ ESC @ FF 1 1B 40 0C 31 27 64 12 49 skip mode, wherein the printer performs a form feed when-
End ................................. ESC @ FF 0 1B 40 0C 30 27 64 12 48 ever printing reaches one-half inch from the bottom of the
page. The form feed advances the paper one-half inch
beyond the next top-of-form or top margin (if one is set).
Uni-directional printing .... ESC @ U n 1B 40 55 n 27 64 85 n This sequence starts and ends unidirectional printing, where-
Start ................................ ESC @ U 1 1B 40 55 31 27 64 85 49 in printing occurs only while the carriage moves from left
Start (alternate) ............... ESC \ 1B 5C 27 92 to right. Unidirectional printing enables the exact align-
End ................................. ESC @ U 0 1B 40 55 30 27 64 85 48 ment of multi-line graphics, component characters and
End (alternate) ................ ESC / 1B 2F 27 47 other applications where vertical alignment is crucial.
Ignore codes ....................... ESC @ I n 1B 40 49 n 27 64 73 n This sequence causes the printer to ignore from 1 to 95
subsequent codes that it receives. The value of n minus 32
defines the number of codes to ignore. For example, to
ignore the next 20 codes, the correct escape sequence is
ESC @ I 4.
Restore control code .......... ESC SI 1B 0F 27 15 This sequence cancels the printing of characters with codes
functions below 20 hex that was enabled by an SO control code.
Search and replace ............ ESC @ X 1B 40 58 27 64 88 This sequence causes the printer to search through incom-
n1 n2 n1 n2 n1 n2 ing data for string1 and replace each occurance with
string1 string2 string1 string2 string1 string2 string2. The search and replace strings can be from 1 to
255 bytes long and can include any combination of codes.
Variable n1 in the sequence defines the length of string1 in
bytes; variable n2 in the sequence defines the length of
string2 in bytes. For example, to replace each occurrence
of AAA with ABC, the correct sequence is ESC @ X ETX
ETX A A A A B C. Or, to get the printer to ignore all
occurrences of AAA, the correct sequence is ESC @ X
Only one search and replace sequence can be in effect at a
time. Whenever you send a new search and replace
sequence, the previous search and replace sequence is
discarded. To cancel a search and replace sequence
without defining a new one, use ESC @ X NUL NUL.
Note: Search and replace does not affect graphics escape
sequences or the download font escape sequence.